I remember my 18th birthday like it was yesterday. And today? My marriage is 18 years old. Man, time sure flies!
I also remember the first day we met. It was not love at first sight for us. And it definitely took a lot longer for him to be interested in dating me. But, we got there eventually, and that's what counts.
So, our marriage can officially do the following:
Vote, serve on a jury, pawn stuff, get married, be an organ donor, buy tobacco, get a tattoo, and buy a lottery ticket. ;-)
Looking back, 23 is awfully young to get married. At least it seems like it now. Just look at those two babies!
We've grown up a lot together. We have our ups and downs. Hopefully always more ups. But, lets be honest, I can NOT be the easiest person to live with. To find someone who appreciates (most of) my quirks? Amazing! I'm sure there are a few that he could live without for sure. :-)
He is definitely all of those cliches for me; my rock, my happy place, the calm in a storm. So, what do I bring to the table? Besides chaos, of course. I think my role is to keep things interesting. The joke is that he spends half his time rolling his eyes and the other half shaking his head at my shenanigans.
He is still my favorite person. And for that, I'm eternally grateful!
Happy 18, Dude. You're stuck with me.

for reals...

A blog about parenting teens and other things. There are a lot of "mommy blogs" out there. I love many of them. However, they aren't really applicable at this stage in our parenting. A blog about parenting teens? Now that is something I can get behind!
Although, I will say, if you are looking for advice on parenting, I can mostly offer the things I've found that DON'T work. I'm not an expert. AT. ALL . Unless we're talking about eyerolls. And then, I've got that shizzle nailed...
Sunday, January 31, 2016
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Bros Before...oh wait.
Ah, brudders.
Mark's oldest brother Scott came to Boise this weekend. Mark and Chris see a lot of each other because we live in the same town. But, It's not super common for all 3 to be in the same place at the same time. I usually try to get a picture for their mom when they are together. Although, this is the 2nd time the photo op has been at this same restaurant.
It's always a lot of fun for me to watch the interaction between the 3 brothers.
I told them they needed to stand together for a picture. Of course they had to goof off. {eye roll}
Chris (the middle brother) decided they should do their best Anchor Man impression. "OK, look down, and on the count of three, look up and smile."
The other thing I always notice, is how Mark looks smaller next to his brothers. He is 6'2", so not short by any stretch. But he seems to always stand in middle and look dwarfed!
Sunday morning, Chris came over since Mark and Scott were hanging out drinking coffee at our house. I was sitting on the couch drinking my coffee, but you would have thought I was nowhere to be seen. It was fun just sitting back and observing the conversation. They're all pretty cool, and I think it's especially cool that they genuinely like each other.
And looking at the pictures, there is no doubt they are related, huh?
"Brothers don't shake hands. Brothers gotta hug!" - Tommy Boy
Mark's oldest brother Scott came to Boise this weekend. Mark and Chris see a lot of each other because we live in the same town. But, It's not super common for all 3 to be in the same place at the same time. I usually try to get a picture for their mom when they are together. Although, this is the 2nd time the photo op has been at this same restaurant.
It's always a lot of fun for me to watch the interaction between the 3 brothers.
I told them they needed to stand together for a picture. Of course they had to goof off. {eye roll}
Chris (the middle brother) decided they should do their best Anchor Man impression. "OK, look down, and on the count of three, look up and smile."
The other thing I always notice, is how Mark looks smaller next to his brothers. He is 6'2", so not short by any stretch. But he seems to always stand in middle and look dwarfed!
Sunday morning, Chris came over since Mark and Scott were hanging out drinking coffee at our house. I was sitting on the couch drinking my coffee, but you would have thought I was nowhere to be seen. It was fun just sitting back and observing the conversation. They're all pretty cool, and I think it's especially cool that they genuinely like each other.
And looking at the pictures, there is no doubt they are related, huh?
"Brothers don't shake hands. Brothers gotta hug!" - Tommy Boy
Friday, January 1, 2016
A shout out to home towns and family and ridiculousness...
As per our usual, we took off Christmas day and started our annual drive to Washington. We had already decided that since we had people staying with us, we would only drive as far as Pendleton. A wise choice as we didn't end up leaving until almost 4 PM. Here is our obligatory start-of-the-trip photo:
You can't see the Dutch Bros. for some reason. Weird, since we ALWAYS make Mark stop.
Most of our drive the first day looked like this!
Which was a welcome sight since we had been getting a bit of snow before we left. I thought the drive was easy, but probably because I was in the passenger seat reading magazines.
We got on the road "early" the next morning...around 10. Which is fairly early when you have two teens.
When we got to Grandma Jeanne and Grandpa Brians, the girls immediately headed outside for some rock skipping. Love this view!
No trip to Washington would be complete without a trip here...
Along with the accompanying shenanigans...
And even though I went to Fort, NOT Evergreen, I seemed to have spent quite a bit of time here my senior year for some reason. Weird.
We got to watch this chick (who goes to Fort, and never hangs out a a rival school) mix it up on the court.
You can't see the Dutch Bros. for some reason. Weird, since we ALWAYS make Mark stop.
Most of our drive the first day looked like this!
Which was a welcome sight since we had been getting a bit of snow before we left. I thought the drive was easy, but probably because I was in the passenger seat reading magazines.
We got on the road "early" the next morning...around 10. Which is fairly early when you have two teens.
When we got to Grandma Jeanne and Grandpa Brians, the girls immediately headed outside for some rock skipping. Love this view!
They were also mesmerized by the record player we got G'ma and G'pa.
No trip to Washington would be complete without a trip here...
Along with the accompanying shenanigans...
And our selfie game is on point...or on fleek. Whatever these young whipper snappers say these days.
We spent some time here:
And even though I went to Fort, NOT Evergreen, I seemed to have spent quite a bit of time here my senior year for some reason. Weird.
We got to watch this chick (who goes to Fort, and never hangs out a a rival school) mix it up on the court.
We also got to hang out with these hooligans who are so, so much cooler than we are.
They fed us drinks that were on fire for goodness sake!
And took us to a classy pizza place...
And to a place that only serves pie. Well, mostly they only serve pie...
It's like they know my love language!
Obviously, the girls miss the days when I used to dress them alike...
There is no doubt I grew up in a gorgeous place:
We will sure miss it until the next trip.
Happy 2016!
And in the interest of full disclosure, this was written while sitting on my couch in my jammies, snuggled under my new heated blanket, sipping a homemade flat white. I {heart} vacation!!
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