

for reals...

for reals...

A blog about parenting teens and other things. There are a lot of "mommy blogs" out there. I love many of them. However, they aren't really applicable at this stage in our parenting. A blog about parenting teens? Now that is something I can get behind!

Although, I will say, if you are looking for advice on parenting, I can mostly offer the things I've found that DON'T work. I'm not an expert. AT. ALL . Unless we're talking about eyerolls. And then, I've got that shizzle nailed...

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

'Fraidy cat...

I have this fear of snakes. I know it's irrational, I know none of the snakes on our property can harm me. I get it.

But this is me, rain or shine, any time I have to go to the back part of the property...

Yes, I'm wearing rubber boots with my skirt. Don't judge.

I've been spending some time contemplating projects for all of the wood I've been hoarding. I think I'm ready to get started on a few things. It's just that every time I think I want to work on something, I have to go back to snakeville!  

Thankfully, I generally have Syd around. She is more than willing to protect me from the snakes. She's definitely my favorite at those times. LOL.

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