

for reals...

for reals...

A blog about parenting teens and other things. There are a lot of "mommy blogs" out there. I love many of them. However, they aren't really applicable at this stage in our parenting. A blog about parenting teens? Now that is something I can get behind!

Although, I will say, if you are looking for advice on parenting, I can mostly offer the things I've found that DON'T work. I'm not an expert. AT. ALL . Unless we're talking about eyerolls. And then, I've got that shizzle nailed...

Friday, April 29, 2016

Well, she was just 17, you know what I mean...

And the way she looked was way beyond compare. You know that Beatles song, right? Please tell me I'm not horribly old!

I mean I do feel horribly old as my first baby turns 17 today! Last year on her birthday, I wrote this post and it's all still true.

My new favorite thing going in to her 17th year is that we are 99% sure she will be gainfully employed this summer! No more free-loader! Just kidding, she will totally still mooch off of us for a long while. Sigh.

This is part of her gift:

And yes, those might be lottery tickets. Shhh...

Her other gift is getting her car detailed. I mean, what teenager doesn't dream of car detailing as a gift? Actually, she's pretty excited. Her third gift didn't ship in time. I'm awesome like that. She is celebrating with friends tonight by having a bonfire in our back yard. Unless it's super windy...then I will shove a bunch of money at them and send them to a movie or something. Not that I'm praying for wind or anything. ;-)  Just kidding, these friends of hers are amazing.

So, here is what 17 looks like at our house...

Pretty exciting, huh? I'm sure that melted wax in the sausage patty was delicious!

17...get it? This definitely earned me an eye roll.

Happy 17, Peyton Grace!


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